AgingNext Blog

Live Well. Age Well.

Aging well starts with eating right, staying active, and thinking positive. Learn how to take good care of your body and your mind with timely tips from our Thrive at Home Specialists.

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Villages and Self Reliance

Villages and Self Reliance

Villages thrive in the belief that independence is made possible through interdependence. Often times Village Membership extends the period of aging-at-home and data suggests Village members feel more socially connected and feel less isolated.

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A public health crisis like the coronavirus can cause uncertainty and stress for people of all ages, and the isolation caused by social distancing can feel lonely. These feelings may be new for some. But for many of the older adults served by AgingNext, 78% of whom are considered low-income and 63% of whom are homebound, stress and loneliness are experienced regularly. This crisis only exacerbates those feelings.

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The Importance of Kindness

The Importance of Kindness

Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness. While kindness has a connotation of meaning someone is naive or weak, that is not the case. Being kind often requires courage and strength.

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Care Partners: Friendships that Make a Difference

Care Partners: Friendships that Make a Difference

James Kallsen swept Diane off her feet at the age of 15 and in just six short days, they will be celebrating 51 years of marriage. These two exemplify what it means to be a match made in heaven! James and Diane are blessed with two girls and they both do as much as they can to support their parents however, “kids come and go, they have their own lives”.

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What will you do next?

It’s never too late to discover your passion. Tell us your story, snap a selfie, and share it with us to inspire others!

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