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Live Well. Age Well.

Aging well starts with eating right, staying active, and thinking positive. Learn how to take good care of your body and your mind with timely tips from our Thrive at Home Specialists.

We have all heard the phrase that in life, “change is the only constant”. This has certainly been true the last few months. During these unprecedented times, it is nice to know that the cornerstones of life remain the same. Enriching relationships, staying active and social connections are fundamental factors that can elevate mood, increase motivation, inspire and energize us. Adapting well in the face of difficulty and maintaining choice is empowering… AgingNext Village is all about creating a sense of control and empowerment for ourselves as we age.

When Bill and Pat joined AgingNext Village, they were looking for ways to get involved in their then, new community. “When we arrived to San Bernardino County from New Jersey, we left a very active life,” Pat said. “We had been part of a community group for 40 years, we were looking to do something to help people,” and they quickly found AgingNext Village.

According to Pat what they found by joining the Village, was not only lovely people, but a way to help others by volunteering as members. By joining the Village, they made friends. “Not just any friends, we have made lasting friendships.” The Village afforded both Bill and Pat ways to connect with people. “The people we have met have become like family to us.”

What they enjoy most about the Village is no surprise… it’s the people! Even now during the pandemic, they feel connected. They are helping others by delivering meals to other Village members who no longer drive, and Pat loves to send cards to the Village friends she has made over the years. “It’s not much, but it’s something. It’s my way of helping out during these trying times.”

The biggest impact the Village has made on their life is the social connection. “It’s a way that gives us a chance to help out others and enjoy the company of others,” which gives them a great feeling. “It’s not just us,” Pat laughed. They love the social things the Village has to offer along with knowing there are those in the Village that they can help, which provides purpose. “The people are wonderful, we love them!”

Best advice they have for someone thinking about becoming a member of AgingNext Village? Join us! Talking to other Village members and volunteers is a great way to get a feel for what the Village movement is all about, according to Pat. The Village offers both fellowship and service—a great way to stay active and involved when you retire!

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