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Monthly donations are critical in funding our mission to help seniors thrive at home and live independently with dignity. Help make a difference in your community today!
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Aging well starts with eating right, staying active, and thinking positive. Learn how to take good care of your body and your mind with timely tips from our Thrive at Home Specialists.
Find out about the health benefits of pumpkin!
With the recent rise of COVID cases, we have adopted new COVID protocols to keep us safe. Effective immediately.
Many thanks to those of you that supported our year end campaign. With your help, we were able to raise over $28,000 to help solve the puzzle of aging.
A Homemade granola to snack on, put on your oatmeal, yogurt, or even some ice cream!
Learn simple ways to stay healthy!
Learn to cook a delicious Filipino style Chicken Adobo!
Plenty of people who are connected to the internet are catching up with friends on social media or randomly surfing the web. Unfortunately, so are scammers.
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The cause was mission driven for AgingNext.
You became a volunteer because you care about your community and wanted to find a meaningful way to help others. But did you know that doing good work may not be bad for your wallet?
It’s never too late to discover your passion. Tell us your story, snap a selfie, and share it with us to inspire others!