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Monthly donations are critical in funding our mission to help seniors thrive at home and live independently with dignity. Help make a difference in your community today!
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As a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, AgingNext provides a broad array of services and support for older adults, caregivers, and others interested in enhancing aging services in our community. Working in concert with community leaders, social services, healthcare providers and city and county organizations, we play a unique role as a convener, information resource, and collaborator on senior issues in parts of Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties.
1976 / Launched the nation’s first multi-city dial-a-ride program with a borrowed van and volunteer drivers. Today our Transportation service provides 130,000+ rides, and travels 500,000+ miles annually.
1980s / Secured federal funding, launched two key programs that continue to this day: Senior Companions, offering friendship and support to seniors, and Volunteers, connecting active older adults to meaningful opportunities.
1990s / Began doing business as Community Senior Services. Launched the Enrichment Center Adult Day Program for adults with memory impairment, providing much-needed respite for caregivers.
2000s / Partnered with generous foundations to create new programs dedicated to helping seniors, caregivers and their families get access to critically needed assistance.
2011 / Received funding from OmniTrans and LA Metro to start Community Connections Transportation Reimbursement Program in San Bernardino County.
2012 / REAL Connections Village launches
2015 / Celebrated 40 years of service offering a wide variety of programs and services designed to promote self-sufficiency, independence and quality of life for the aging population.
2019 / Awarded a generous grant from The Ahmanson Foundation. Funds were immediately put to work on developing a new brand with a clear focus on reinventing the way people approach aging. Hence our new name, AgingNext, and powerful new tagline – Live Well. Age Well. Our exciting project included: a clearly defined strategy, new brand identity, and a streamlined website with expanded content and improved user experience.
We’ve come a long way in pursuit of this goal, but there is still much to do—and we can’t do it alone! AgingNext relies on generous donations from organizations and individuals to ensure we continue to deliver free and low-cost age-wise programs and services to our community.
We continue to look for like-minded partners, volunteers and donors to join the AgingNext family. More people means more collaboration and a more powerful impact on our community. Let’s get living!